Monday, March 18, 2013

Teaser.... acropole...

So on Saturday, I tried my hands on a new class for pole called "Acropole" at Viva Vertical.

An excerpt from the website :

"Inspired by acrobats, this program is focused on strength conditioning, endurance and tricks. Catered for students who want to build up muscle strength and definition, recommended for men but powerful women are welcomed!"

It was a good workout indeed and my upper body was sore for a couple of days after.

True enough, I was the only female in the class of 5. Adam, was the instructor and he is really good in breaking down moves and very supportive of students. The class started with a basic warm-up of around 10 - 15 minutes.

This was followed by strengthening / conditioning moves. Unfortunately, I do not have pictures. But I will continue to practice these moves at home to get stronger! You can start with:

(1) basic pole hold (5 times , 5 - 10 seconds each);

(2) basic pole hold with toes pointed (5 times, 5 - 10 seconds each);

(3) Pole sit ups/ crunches, which really a pole hold from the side and doing crunches (5 times, left and right, repeat 3 sets)

(4) Pole climbs (going up down with feet on pole, basically like mountain climbers but on pole, trying to keep your body away from the pole as much as possible) You can do this 3 times simultaneously.

(5) Fan kicks (as many times on each side, working into a pull up as you fan-kick)

The last part of the class focuses on tricks. The good thing about Acropole in Viva is that they teach you tricks according to your level of fitness. So, since I was knew to class, I just did the pole climb and trying to get into a monkey sit. Which is harder than it sounds, because I have never used the soles of my feet against the pole :o

The more advanced students were doing extended butterflies (le sighhh, how awesome to reach that stage... <3)

All in all, it was a good session, in a stress free and conducive environment. Can't wait to go back for my next class and also to practice more at home! So for now, more practice and looking at nice and inspiring pole pictures!

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