Saturday, November 5, 2011

The ideal man

I was with a group of lawyers having our usual Friday chats, usually senseless. And the topic of men came up. Surprise, surprise. And the question posed was the ideal man of choice. So the girls were going round saying the usual, funny, smart, romantic, etc. I had a wistful look on my face, as I said I want a man who runs with a pace of 5 minutes per km. The group just burst out laughing. First, at the thought that my criteria is just plain crazy odd. Secondly, there is no such guy for me in KL. Hahaha oh well, one can always dream and wish. Cheers to the weekend!!

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  1. Hmmm, that request would have shocked them!

    Good point, there is nothing like having a shared interest, or shared activity, to make something (running) that little bit better, or to develop a relationship via shared experiences.

    However: Depends what he is wanted for. The phrase "ideal man" conjures up "lifelong match" more than "running partner".

    Hehe, someone who will love you (as a woman deserves to be loved) with every inch of his being. Who will be enthralled by you, think you the smartest person he has ever met, who will spend all his time thinking of ways to make your life happier, whose idea of a perfect day is one spent looking at you, who'll be aghast at the thought of you removing even so much as a mole - for he loves everything about you so much he doesn't want any of it to change. Who sees your eyes as full of expression, a man who'll be thrilled at the opportunity to iron your skirts of a morning, who'll be over the moon at the chance to take your lunch to you, who'll treasure every second spent with you at lunchtime, who'll be overjoyed at the chance to go shopping with you. He'll say, because he means it & believes it, that everything you wear is "stylish" and makes you look like a supermodel. Whose perfect morning is to awaken & see you. Who'll be in a state of bliss to just sit opposite you & watch you eat breakfast every day. Who'll love you so much it hurts every day for the rest of your life, or the rest of his life, whichever is the latter. If there are to be no children it won't make the slightest difference to him, provided he can be near to you anything else is peripheral. Who'll say "sorry" not because he believes he is wrong, but because your happiness is more important to him than his ego. Someone who'll be like a puppy dog just to see you. Who'll think your voice the sweetest sound he has ever heard, and for whom your name is a sweeter sound to him than his own.

    But as with all everything, if we find the one, then it is only one traffic accident, or a bad diagnosis away from being without it again.

    Neither age, ethnicity, nationality, occupation, education nor his past matters.

    And so on... gosh, I did rave on a bit! But you get the picture.

    ... on top of all that, it'd be nice if he was a runner with a pace of 5 minutes per km! Hehe.

    Good luck & I hope you run into him!

  2. Mine Host, wow that yes basically sums it up :) Yes, I do hope I run into him :p
