Friday, February 3, 2012

Kelly Clarkson - Stronger - Another album perfect for running

I recently got Kelly Clarkson's Stronger Album! She is majorly talented don't you think so? And definitely not a sell-out and stays strong to her own style and genre :)

Been listening to her album on long runs as I find the fast paced songs nicely laced with slower one when I am recovering. Did a 15k few days ago listening to this on loop, and I must say I am totally in love with the album title track! Pure power song on my Nike + App ..tehehe

Do give a listen to Stronger and power up those hills :)

1 comment:

  1. I just ran a 5K and my ipod was stuck on her song and it was either run with the same song playing over and over or listening to nothing at all and that was not an option. I probably had my best run ever and decreased my mile pace by 45 seconds.
